Ti Fluted 007
The 007 is a California-legal, automatic OTF knife designed with precision and style. Its blade, crafted from premium M390 steel, features a sleek dagger grind—combining tactical appeal with the refined elegance of clean, harmonious lines. The handle is made from fluted titanium, adding both durability and sophistication to this exceptional tool.
OAL 5.25 in.
Handle Length 3.25 in.
Blade Length 1.99 in.
The handle is Titanium
The blade is M390 steel featuring a Dagger grind
Find video of it in action at D Rocket Design Instagram Page.
PLEASE RESPECT THE BLADE – THIS IS NOT A TOY. Military and Emergency organizations welcome for large group and special orders.
***You must be 18 years of age to order this and it is up to the buyer to know the knife laws in their state, country or community. No refunds will be given if any breaking of local laws end up with confiscation of the OTF. All OTFs have been QC’ed – no refunds will be given unless there was damaged in delivery.***